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Management Consulting

As your organization grows, complexity increases. With success comes increasing challenge. What are the next opportunities?  Do you have a strategy and process to achieve desired results? What are your major risks? Do you have a clear brand and corporate culture? Do your managers and supervisors have a common understanding of where the company is heading? Are your employees actively engaged?


Middle market companies generally do not have a Board of Directors. Often an outside sounding board or facilitiator can help a leadership team define and maintain focus on the bigger picture that can be obscured in the day to day activities of your business. M. A. Clark & Associates has a broad range of experience to provide an outside perspective to amplify the effectiveness of your team. Clark has also crafted and delivered presentations at corporate gatherings, industry trade associations and other business functions. Among the management consulting services offered by M. A. Clark & Associates are the following:


  • Facilitate offsite strategic meetings

  • Develop business strategy & presentations

  • Executive coaching

  • Speaking engagements

Working With Us

STEP 1 - Introductory Meeting

  • We start by listening . . . to learn about your company and your needs. If we are the right fit, we will sign a nondisclosure agreement to review information required to prepare a service agreement

STEP 2 - Service Proposal

  • The service proposal clearly defines our working relationship including the services we will provide, fee arrangement and terms of service.

STEP 3 - Partner in Your Success

  • We seek a working relationship where we succeed together!

Who Needs Management Consulting

  • Your organization is growing

  • You want to develop your management team alignment

  • Your leadership team spends too much time putting out fires

  • You need a guest speaker at your business gathering or trade association meeting

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